Thursday, 18 April 2013

Sequel and Spin-Off Films to Alternate Yearly

Alan Horn - Disney Studio Chief - has now given us an official timeline for the upcoming new Star Wars films. Episode VII will be released in 2015, with Episodes VII and IX being released at two-year intervals after this. The stand-alone films will be delivered in the "off years" in-between.

Looks like we'll be getting one Star Wars movie every summer between 2015 and 2019!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Relics of the Force Appears in HelloGreedo's Latest Video

HelloGreedo - StarWars fan, collector, vlogger, and all-around-nice-guy - was kind enough to use a photo of the Relics of the Force collection as a backdrop in his latest video "Drunk Star Wars Interviews". You can see it around the 1:32 mark.

If you're after some intelligent and entertaining Star Wars analysis, then HelloGreedo is your man. Be sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel and give him a follow on Twitter!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Choices of One Paperback

At the end of April I'll be heading back to New Zealand for a few months, and yesterday my reading material for the flight home arrived. There aren't many holes left in my library, but Timothy Zahn's Choices of One is one of them.

I picked this up from Amazon for $7.19US ($8.39NZ) - the incredibly low price of books in the US still astounds me! I'm really looking forward to reading this, as it fleshes out the backstories of a number of the characters from the first - and still favourite - expanded universe novel I ever read: Zahn's own Heir to the Empire.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Disney Closes Down LucasArts

Disney has just confirmed that it'll be closing down the LucasArts game studio and moving to a licensing model for all future Star Wars video games.

I'm unsure as to what specific ramifications this will have for future Star Wars gaming, but I do know I had many hours of pure enjoyment courtesy of this wonderful company. My thoughts are with all of the staff.