Friday, 28 February 2014

Stormtrooper Helmet Bag and Decals

Apart from assembling the thermal detonator the next time I'm back home, my suit of stormtrooper armour is almost complete. The next project is to ensure I have a safe and portable way of getting the armour from troop to troop. I've already picked up a large black and white plastic container for the body armour, and yesterday I received this awesome helmet bag from the fine folks over at

Their bag's retail for only $16.00US ($19.08NZ), and for an extra $7.00US ($8.35) you can get a patch like the one above added. They're well-stitched, made of a sturdy material, and lined with a soft fleecy fabric that'll keep your bucket in pristine condition. I also picked up a couple of Imperial logo decals to decorate my main armour case to match.

This is my first order from Trooperbay, and the quality and service they've provided is just phenomenal. If you're after trooping supplies, be sure to check them out!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

The Clone Wars - The Lost Missions Trailer

Yesterday released a trailer for the final thirteen episodes of The Clone Wars. These extra episodes are being referred to as The Lost Missions and will air on Netflix starting this March 7th.

There's no denying that The Clone Wars moved ahead in leaps and bounds during its lifetime. By the end of Season 5 we were seeing cinematic-quality animation coupled with some great storylines and character development. By the looks of this trailer, however, the best has definitely been saved for last - and it's great to see that these episodes will be exploring some of our unanswered questions from the prequels (Sifo-Dyas's role in the creation of the Clone Army, Qui-Gon's ability to communicate from beyond the grave etc.)

Are you excited for The Lost Missions? Or are you too disappointed to see an old friend go? Send me your thoughts at or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Scoundrels Paperback

During my travels this weekend I picked up a little reading material to help pass the time - Timothy Zahn's Scoundrels for $7.99US ($9.58NZ).

It's no secret that Zahn's Thrawn trilogy includes some of my favourite stories within the Star Wars universe. Given this, I've been dying to read his latest offering. I'm a few chapters in, and it certainly hasn't disappointed. Think Ocean's Eleven with George and Brad replaced by Han and Lando. Yes, it's that good.

Have you read Scoundrels? What were your thoughts? Be sure to send them to me at or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge - but please, no spoilers!

Saturday, 22 February 2014

First Look at Rebels Character "Hera"

Rounding off the cast of Rebels is Hera, the owner and pilot of the Ghost.

So there we have it, the full ensemble for the upcoming series Rebels. What do you make of them? Be sure to send me your thoughts at or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

First Look at Rebels Character "Sabine"

The Rebels characters keep on coming. Today we've been introduced to the Mandalorian Sabine.

Are you excited to see the Mandalorians having a presence in the new series? Be sure to send me your thoughts at or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

First Look at Rebels Character "Zeb"

Today we got our first glimpse of Zeb - a Rebels character who bears a striking resemblance to an early concept drawing of our favourite Wookiee.

Who's your favourite Rebels character so far? Zeb, Ezra, Kanan, or Chopper? Be sure to send me your thoughts at or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Star Wars Rebels Teaser Trailers Released

The Star Wars Rebels updates have been coming thick and fast over the past week, and now has given us our first glimpse of some footage from the show in these two teaser trailers.

What do you make of these trailers? Be sure to send your thoughts to me at or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Monday, 17 February 2014

A Recap of Everything Star Wars at Toy Fair 2014

This weekend saw the annual American International Toy Fair take place in New York City. Thanks to the combined efforts of,, and we've been given some great insight into what Hasbro is in stock for Star Wars collectors over the coming months.

(Image courtesy of

It seems that, as many have been predicting, Hasbro is moving away from having 3 3/4" figures as a collector-targeted line. Only four new figures were announced for the super-articulated 3 3/4" Black Series line, and only two of these were on display. Instead, Hasbro is targeting collectors with the new 6" Black Series figures while catering to younger fans with the five-points-of-articulation Saga Legends, Mission Series, and upcoming Rebels lines. As I've mentioned before, this puts 3 3/4" collectors such as myself in something of a quandary. I'm not interested in beginning all over again at a new scale, but the reduced articulation and detailing on the new 3 3/4" figures will be hard to stomach (even at their reduced price). Fortunately, it's a decision I won't have to make for a while yet. While the Rebels line looks to be featuring some excellent characters, its non-realistic styling will see me give it a miss as I did with The Clone Wars line. Crunch-time will come when the first Episode VII figures begin hitting shelves later on next year.

Also of interest in the 3 3/4" scale were the announcement of three new vehicles to be released in the Rebels line. The first of these is the Inquisitor's TIE fighter, which does an awesome job of blending elements of Maul's Sith Infiltrator with the more traditional TIE design.

(Image courtesy of

On the side of the Rebels is the Phantom, a ship that would look perfectly at home in Echo Base.

(Image courtesy of

I love both of these designs, but for now they're still a "maybe" for me. If you want to know what's got me already reaching for my wallet, it's this glorious piece of plastic right here:

(Image courtesy of

This walker is also from Rebels and - taking it's cue from the AT-AP (All-Terrain Attack Pod) - is being referred to as an AT-DP (All-Terrain Defence Pod?). It's an incredible sculpt, but what makes this vehicle truly special is its lineage. It is, in fact, an exact duplicate of the 1979 walker design that Joe Johnston produced for The Empire Strikes Back. It would eventually be replaced by the more familiar AT-ST design, but did make its way into a handful of Star Wars Marvel comics.

(Images courtesy of and

It's great to see Lucasfilm delving into the archives and reviving some of these incredible designs. For this reason alone I'll be eagerly awaiting the chance to add one of these to my collection.

Hasbro will be supplementing the 3 3/4" and 6" lines with a handful of new 12" figures (mostly based on characters from Rebels), several roleplay items, and a massive 29" long X-Wing Fighter. For those of you interested in miniatures, there will also be the new Star Wars Command line - a cut-price army-men style series of figures and vehicles that will (presumably) be used in some kind of strategy game. It's great to see miniature Star Wars figures and vehicles hitting shelves again - particularly at such an excellent price (packs of nine miniatures will be selling for approximately $5.00US each). These miniatures are unpainted however, so still won't quite fill the void left by the now defunct Micro Machines, Action Fleet, and Miniatures lines.

Overall, I'd say Toy Fair 2014 has given us a fair bit to look forward to. While there's arguably a move away from collector-focussed lines, Hasbro has got its priorities right by planning some great quality (and incredibly affordable) items for younger fans. In doing this, they're ensuring that Star Wars - and Star Wars collecting - will be around for a long time yet.

What are your thoughts on this year's Toy Fair? What are you most excited for? Be sure to send me your thoughts at or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Saturday, 15 February 2014

First Look at Star Wars Rebels Character "Ezra"

Another day, another first look at a new Star Wars Rebels character courtesy of

We've now seen three of the characters that'll be featuring in this upcoming series (Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper). What do you make of the cast so far? Is Rebels lining up to be all you'd hoped? Or is it falling short of the mark? Be sure to send me your thoughts at or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

New Lucasfilm Website Launched

Today Lucasfilm has launched its new website. The most interesting part? An image they've uploaded of the Episode VII production team hard at work in front of what looks to be concept art for the film.

(Image courtesy of

Yes, that's the Falcon back there...

Friday, 14 February 2014

Final Episodes of The Clone Wars Coming to Netflix has today announced that the final thirteen episodes of The Clone Wars (alternatively dubbed "Season 6" and "The Lost Missions") will be released exclusively on Netflix on Friday March 7th. You can see a brief preview (including the return of an old friend) below.

Seasons 1 through 6 - including the feature film - will be made available at the same time. It looks like Netflix is the place to be for Star Wars fans this March!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

First Look at Star Wars Rebels Character "Kanan"

Yesterday we received our first look at another character from the upcoming Star Wars Rebels series - Kanan the gun-slinging Jedi.

Kanan is the second Rebels character to be officially announced, and will be voiced by Freddie Prinze, Jr. As with the Chopper video there's no actual footage from the series, but we do get a sneak-peak at some action-packed animatic sequences.

What's your take on Kanan? Be sure to send me your thoughts at, or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Star Wars Rebels Movie Coming This Summer

Jedi News has drawn our attention to a Disney shareholder letter that was sent out in hardcopy this week. The letter confirms that Star Wars Rebels will premiere with a straight-to-television movie and a series of shorts on Disney Channel this coming summer.

These releases will be followed by a continuing series on Disney XD which - if previous announcements are still accurate - should be hitting our screens in the fall. Thanks to Jedi News for the heads up!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

New Affiliate - Far Far Away Radio

I'm very pleased to announce the addition of a brand new Relics of the Force affiliate - Far Far Away Radio. FFAR launched their website and daily blog last night, and will begin their weekly live podcast on February 24th at 9.15pm EST.

If you're after the latest news and rumours about Episode VII, then this is the podcast for you. Created by Austin Blankenship and Andrew Lupi (, and co-hosted by Chris Carey (The Washington Post, and Jason Hamilton (, FFAR will offer a "fresh perspective on the upcoming Star Wars films" through "an entertaining and enthusiastic podcast that focuses on providing listeners with a positive and fun discussion".

In short, this podcast looks like it'll be all kinds of awesome. Be sure not to miss it!