Saturday, 18 August 2018

Star Wars Resistance First Look Trailer Released

This morning unveiled the 'first look' trailer for their next animated series: Star Wars Resistance. You can check it out below.

Set shortly before the events of the The Force Awakens, and featuring cameos from sequel trilogy characters characters BB-8, Poe Dameron, and Captain Phasma (the latter two of which are voiced by Oscar Isaac and Gwendoline Christie respectively), Resistance is the latest brainchild of Dave Filoni and the crew behind The Clone Wars and Rebels.

I must admit, it's hard to form too much of an opinion based on this one video. While touted as a "First Look Trailer", it plays more like a rushed TV commercial - not really giving much sense of how the show will unfold narratively or thematically. (For a masterclass on constructing a teaser trailer, you need look no further than the Clone Wars trailer released by the same studio only a few weeks ago.) That being said, it's enough to make me bite. I love the ship designs, and the animation style suits them beautifully - even if I'm not fully sold on that same style when applied to the actual characters. While all rumours point towards the show being aimed at a much younger age demographic than either The Clone Wars or Rebels, I'll still be tuning in eagerly!

How about you? What are your thoughts on this trailer? Be sure to let us know via Facebook or Twitter, or by sending an email to!