Saturday, 25 July 2020

The Hunt Is On - The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" Wave 12 Figures Found

I was unsure whether the latest 'Fan Channel Exclusive' Vintage Collection repack wave would make it to Australian shores (it ultimately did, thanks to EB Games and MightyApe), so I pulled the trigger early and picked up the three figures for less than RRP on the secondary market.

Wave 12 of the Vintage Collection sees the re-release of four highly sought-after figures. While I was able to give the C-3PO a miss, I did pick up VC04 Luke Skywalker (Bespin Fatigues), VC47 Lando Calrissian (General), and VC50 Han Solo (Bespin Outfit). All three figures feature Photo Real face treatment - though with varying results. While Lando and Han look great, there's something slightly... off about Luke's appearance. This tends to be a common issue when Photo Real is applied to older headsculpts (compared with the outstanding accuracy that can be achieved when Hasbro apply Photo Real to a specially-designed sculpt).

I missed Han on his first release back in 2011 - so it's great to finally fill that gap on my Empire shelf (though, admittedly, his goggles and welding torch were immediately donated to better kit out my Hoth Leia). Luke, on the other hand, provides a welcome update to my 2010 Vintage Collection version of the figure, while Lando does the same for my 2016 Black Series version.