Thursday, 26 January 2017

Rogue One - The Ultimate Visual Guide

Back in 1999, my grandmother gave me the Visual Dictionary and Incredible Cross-Sections books for the recently-released Phantom Menace. She didn't realise it at the time, but she started a long-term obsession with those Star Wars reference books, and I've picked up every subsequent edition since then. For Rogue One, publisher Dorling Kindersley did things a little differently - combining the usually separate Visual Dictionary and Cross-Sections volumes into a single tome entitled Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide. I recently picked up my own copy from Barnes and Noble for $24.00US ($33.38NZ), and have already spent a good few hours poring over the contents.

Written by Lucasfilm Story Group member (and walking, talking Star Wars encyclopedia) Pablo Hidalgo and featuring wonderful double-page cross-sections by Kemp Remillard, this volume contains insights into every facet of the film. From the names of each of Jyn's childhood toys, to the histories of every background Jedha alien, the Ultimate Guide has it all. Gloriously detailed photographs of every weapon, gadget, and costume also makes it an invaluable reference guide for prop-builders and cosplayers alike. Unlike previous Visual Dictionary volumes, this edition also features a new behind-the-scenes section providing insights into how the film was actually made. If there's something you want to know about Rogue One, then chances are you'll find it in this book!