Sunday, 22 September 2019

The Hunt Is On - The Vintage Collection Figures (Triple Force Friday Edition)

First they came for Action Fleet. Then they came for Micro Machines. Then they brought Micro Machines back... only to take them again. Now, The Rise of Skywalker is set to be the first Star Wars film without its own dedicated line of 3 3/4" figures. Instead, this scale will be served exclusively by the ongoing Vintage Collection. All of this means that my once broad collecting focus has now narrowed down to one single line of products. At the very least, it's going to make this upcoming Triple Force Friday a lot less painful on my wallet.

There's both good and bad in having the Vintage Collection as the sole 3 3/4" line for TROS. The upside is that we'll be getting the best possible versions of these figures - including comprehensive accessories, super articulation, and gorgeous Photo Real face treatments. The downside is that we'll be paying more per figure, and will likely see a far more limited range of characters available (at least to begin with). There's also the issue of distribution. Stores here in Sydney are still clogged with pegwarmers from April 2018's first wave of the rebooted Vintage Collection, with no sign of the subsequent seven waves released since then. If it wasn't for the secondary market, my Star Wars action figure collecting would have ground to a halt well over a year ago.

Hopefully the full product reset on Triple Force Friday will see stores at least stock the first TROS wave of figures. With that in mind, I've now assembled an updated list of the Vintage Collection figures I'll be attempting to hunt down.

While we've not yet received any official announcement on what we can expect to see from Triple Force Friday onwards, the Star Wars stock super sleuths at have figured out a range of upcoming releases. With that in mind, I'll be after the following:

(New items from the Vintage Collection line will be added to this list as they are announced.)
  1. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC002 The Empire Strikes Back Leia (Hoth)
  2. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC003 The Empire Strikes Back Han Solo (Echo Base)
  3. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC004 The Empire Strikes Back Luke Skywalker (Bespin Fatigues)
  4. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC008 The Empire Strikes Back Darth Vader
  5. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC009 The Empire Strikes Back Boba Fett
  6. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC021 Return of the Jedi Gamorrean Guard
  7. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC023 Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker (Endor Capture)
  8. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC027 Return of the Jedi Wicket
  9. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC047 Return of the Jedi General Lando Calrission
  10. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC050 The Empire Strikes Back Han Solo (Bespin Outfit)
  11. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC084 The Phantom Menace Queen Amidala [February 2021]
  12. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC092 The Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker
  13. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC103 The Clone Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi
  14. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC120 The Empire Strikes Back Rebel Soldier (Hoth)
  15. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC132 Return of the Jedi Saelt Marae (Yakface)
  16. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC134 Return of the Jedi Leia (Boussh Disguise)
  17. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC135 Return of the Jedi Klaatu (Skiff Guard)
  18. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC137 Return of the Jedi Ree Yees
  19. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC143 A New Hope Han Solo (Stormtrooper Disguise)
  20. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC144 Return of the Jedi Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard)
  21. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC146 The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker (Crait)
  22. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC147 Rogue One Death Star Gunner
  23. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC150 A New Hope Princess Leia (Yavin)
  24. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC151 A New Hope Luke Skywalker (Yavin)
  25. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC155 The Rise of Skywalker Knight of Ren
  26. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC156 The Rise of Skywalker Rey
  27. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC157 The Rise of Skywalker Zorii Bliss
  28. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC159 The Rise of Skywalker Sith Jet Trooper
  29. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC160 The Rise of Skywalker Poe Dameron
  30. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC162 The Rise of Skywalker Sith Trooper
  31. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC163 Expanded Universe Shadow Trooper
  32. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC164 The Mandalorian Cara Dune
  33. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC165 The Mandalorian Remnant Stormtrooper
  34. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC166 The Mandalorian The Mandalorian
  35. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC167 A New Hope Power Droid
  36. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC168 The Clone Wars Clone Commander Wolffe
  37. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC172 The Clone Wars ARC Trooper Fives
  38. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC173 Galaxy's Edge Hondo Ohnaka
  39. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC177 The Mandalorian Incinerator Trooper
  40. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC179 The Mandalorian The Armourer
  41. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC180 The Mandalorian Moff Gideon
  42. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC181 The Mandalorian The Mandalorian
  43. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC184 The Mandalorian The Child [May 2021]
  44. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC185 The Mandalorian Greef Karga [May 2021]
  45. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC186 Return of the Jedi Boba Fett [March 2021]
  46. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC187 The Empire Strikes Back Princess Leia (Bespin Escape) [March 2021]
  47. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC189 A New Hope Zutton [March 2021]
  48. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC190 Return of the Jedi Paploo [2021]
  49. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC191 Return of the Jedi Princess Leia (Endor) [2021]
  50. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC??? The Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano [July 2021]
  51. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC??? The Clone Wars Maul [July 2021]
  52. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC??? The Clone Wars ARC Trooper Echo [July 2021]
  53. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC??? The Mandalorian Offworld Jawa [July 2021]
  54. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC??? The Empire Strikes Back Luke Skywalker (Hoth) [August 2021]
  55. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC??? Return of the Jedi Han Solo (Endor) [August 2021]
  56. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC??? The Empire Strikes Back Lando Calrissian [October 2021]
  57. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC??? Return of the Jedi Emperor Palpatine [October 2021]
  58. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC??? The Mandalorian IG-11 [October 2021]
  59. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC??? The Mandalorian Kuill [October 2021]
  60. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" 2018 SDCC Exclusive Doctor Aphra Special Act Figure Set
  61. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" 2019 SDCC Exclusive Luke Skywalker Special Action Figure Set
  62. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" Cave of Evil Special Action Figure Set
  63. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" Tatooine Skiff Special Action Figure Set 
  64. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" Jabba's Tatooine Skiff

So what's on your wishlist for Triple Force Friday and beyond? Be sure to let us know via Facebook or Twitter, or by sending an email to!