Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The Birth of a Trooper - The Armour Has Landed!

Today my brand new suit of OGA armour arrived! There's still a large amount of assembly that needs to be done, but what you see here will eventually be transformed into a fully wearable replica suit of Stormtrooper armour.

Also included in these photos is my eFX The Empire Strikes Back Stunt Helmet and my Hasbro Blaster Rifle (soon to be converted into a more screen-accurate prop).

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The Birth of a Trooper - Armour Update 4

This afternoon I received another update from Jon, and the armour is now complete! It'll be packed up and shipped down to me next Monday, but for now Jon has provided a sneak-peak of the finished product.

Needless to say, I can't wait to get my hands on this kit and get building!

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Revenge of the Sith 3 3/4" No. 38 AT-TE Tank Gunner

A week ago I posted about a Trade Me auction I had my eye on. Thanks to an unrivalled bid, I can now confirm that a Revenge of the Sith AT-TE Tank Gunner will soon be joining my Order 66 display. A real bargain at only $10.00!

Thursday, 17 May 2012

The Hunt Is On - The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC96 Darth Malgus (The Old Republic) Found

Success! A couple of weeks ago the staff at Farmers in Wellington were kind enough to take down my contact details and promise to put aside a VC96 Darth Malgus (The Old Republic) should one turn up. Today I received the call, and I am now the proud owner of not one, but two, mint-condition and unpunched Malgus figures.

I'll be keeping one and - sacriligious as it may seem - opening it. I'm sorry, but this figure is just too damn cool to not break out of the packaging and display properly! The second figure will be going to one of my buddies over on the SWNZ Forums as per Rebelscum's Collect to Collect Code of Honour.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

The Hunt Is On - The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC96 Darth Malgus (The Old Republic) Update

It seems that The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC96 Darth Malgus (The Old Republic) is proving far harder to track down than initially expected. According to the staff at Farmers in Wellington there is only one of these being packed per case.

(Image courtesy of

Unfortunately the rarity of this figure is making them sought-after prey for scalpers. Here's hoping I manage to cross paths with one of these very cool figures soon!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

The Birth of a Trooper - Armour Update 3

As anticipated, production of my suit of Stormtrooper armour begins this week! Jon has purchased the ABS plastic, and the first few pieces should be coming out of the vacuform in the next few days.