Thursday, 17 May 2012

The Hunt Is On - The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC96 Darth Malgus (The Old Republic) Found

Success! A couple of weeks ago the staff at Farmers in Wellington were kind enough to take down my contact details and promise to put aside a VC96 Darth Malgus (The Old Republic) should one turn up. Today I received the call, and I am now the proud owner of not one, but two, mint-condition and unpunched Malgus figures.

I'll be keeping one and - sacriligious as it may seem - opening it. I'm sorry, but this figure is just too damn cool to not break out of the packaging and display properly! The second figure will be going to one of my buddies over on the SWNZ Forums as per Rebelscum's Collect to Collect Code of Honour.