Thursday, 9 October 2014

Star Wars Rebels Arrives

Last weekend the first episode of Star Wars Rebels "Spark of Rebellion" premiered on Disney XD. Like a lot of fans, I'd been buzzing with excitement about this series for some months. I absolutely adored The Clone Wars, and was curious to see what that same team would be able to do with this new - and relatively untouched - era of the saga.

(Image courtesy of

Fortunately, Dave Filoni and the incredible cast and crew behind Rebels didn't disappoint. After seeing the extended preview back in August, I commented that it looked like "the 'Wars that we all grew up with and fell in love with". Last weekend's episode truly lived up to this sentiment. The plot, the pacing, the banter, and the score - they all hearkened back to what makes this saga truly amazing.

Rebels is an incredibly fitting follow-on from The Clone Wars, but it's also a very different show in so many ways. Gone are the sprawling vistas, grand armies, and political machinations. Rebels is a far more intimate show than its predecessor - and this is where it triumphs. The almost claustrophobic space in which the action takes place gives the characters a real chance to shine. There's an instant attachment - and investment - to be found in every one of the ensemble cast. While Rebels still has a long way to go to match The Clone Wars in its final few seasons, it already shows an enormous amount of promise.

If you're looking for a Star Wars fix to hold you over until next December, then this is exactly what you're after. Episode 2 of Rebels airs this weekend, and is also currently available as a free download in the iTunes store.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

October 2014 "Wretched Hive" SWNZ Wellington Meet-Up

The Auckland members of the SWNZ Message Boards have been holding some fantastic meet-ups over recent months, and after a little research I've discovered that there's a strong demand for something similar to be held down this end of the island. In light of this, I'm incredibly excited to announce the very first "Wretched Hive" SWNZ Wellington Meet-Up!

This first meet-up will be held at 5.00pm on Saturday October 11th. It'll be a fairly laid-back event at a bar/restaurant in the Wellington CBD. Despite the allusions to scum and villainy, we've decided on a venue that's very family-friendly, so kids and significant others will be very welcome!

If you're interested in attending, be sure to send me (Archon Revuge) a PM on the SWNZ Message Boards, or email me at for full details of the venue. I hope to see you there!