Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer Released

As if the home video release of The Force Awakens hadn't made this week exciting enough for Star Wars fans, we've now also been surprised with the teaser trailer for the first Star Wars stand-alone film Rogue One. Check it out below!

While I'd been mildly excited for this film up until now, the teaser trailer has thrown me into full-blown anticipation mode. None of us really knew what to expect from these "Star Wars Story" films - but if this trailer is indication of what's in store, it seems we've got nothing to worry about. While The Force Awakens paid subtle homage to the original trilogy, Rogue One has utterly immersed itself in the world of those films. Everything is jarringly familiar: the costumes, the vehicles, the sets - even that familiar klaxon that blares throughout the second half of the trailer. If you're a dyed-in-the-wool devotee of the first three films, then this may very well be the new Star Wars movie you've been looking for.

What are your thoughts on the teaser trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story? Be sure to let us know via Facebook or Twitter, or by sending an email to!