Sunday, 16 August 2009

The Old Republic Trailer

The intention of this blog is to focus on news about my collecting adventures, but every now and then I'l be making an exception to this rule. This is one of those times. I'm not sure how many of you have seen the trailer for Lucasart and Bioware's new MMO game Star Wars: The Old Republic, but if you haven't then you should. Now.

I'm wary of hyping something that is so far away from production (we all remember the disappointment surrounding the long-awaited The Force Unleashed, dubbed "Episode 3.5" by numerous over-keen gaming executives) but from what is shown here the game looks, well, incredible.

Granted it's only a theatrical trailer, and from what I've seen of pre-production footage so far the actual gameplay and graphics looks merely like an updated version of Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 (Lucasarts and Bioware's last Star Wars collaboration). But lets be honest, even an MMO KotR would be a truly fantastic thing. Sith knows we need a good Star Wars MMO now Sony have reduced Star Wars: Galaxies to a shadow of its former self.

What are your thoughts on this trailer? Be sure to email them to!

Saturday, 15 August 2009

New Titanium Series Vehicles

Farmers currently has 20% off Titanium Series vehicles, so I've managed to pick up two harder-to-find items: The V-19 Torrent Starfighter and the Twilight.

They also had a surplus of Desert Skiff's going cheap. Although they're not a particularly exciting model, I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to add one to my collection.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

The Clone Wars Preview Screening (August 2008)

After three long years, fans finally had the chance to see a new Star Wars film on the big screen. I was fortunate enough to receive an invite to the Wellington preview screening (earned by a very long and cold wait outside Toyworld on the release morning of the new Legacy and The Clone Wars lines of 3 3/4" Action Figures).

While it would take a couple of years for The Clone Wars to reach its zenith, the theatrical release was still an incredibly fun outing, and a great opportunity to see Star Wars on the big screen again.

Friday, 14 August 2009

One Man Star Wars Trilogy (May 2008)

As part of the 2008 New Zealand Comedy Festival, Wellington played host to Charles Ross's infamous One Man Star Wars Trilogy. I'd heard a lot of good things about his performance - so my buddies and I went along to see what all the fuss was about. We certainly weren't disappointed.

With blisteringly fast dialogue, blink-and-you'll -miss-it in-jokes, and sound effects that even Michael Winslow would envy, Ross reenancts the entire original trilogy in the space of only sixty short minutes. It's an experience that's sure to leave any Star Wars fan dazed, confused, and utterly delighted.

Fortunately Ross is still performing, and you can check out his upcoming tour dates on his official website. If he happens to be in your area, I highly recommend heading along!

Thursday, 13 August 2009

2007 Wellington Armageddon Expo Featuring Billy Dee Williams

The 2007 Wellington Armageddon Pulp Culture Expo was graced by none other than the man himself - Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian). Billy still had an amazing amount of charisma, even after all these years on the convention circuit. He did however, have something of an obsession with talking about his new fragrance...

While at the convention I also purchased a George Lucas autograph from another collector. Alas, I've yet to meet the Maker in person - but this was a cherished addition to my collection nonetheless.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

2006 Wellington Armageddon Expo

Despite a lack of Star Wars guests, my buddies and I still made a point of heading along to the 2006 Wellington Armageddon Expo. I donned my Dark Jedi garb and - as in the previous year - commissioned a couple of comic book artists to do some drawings of me.

There was also a plethora of Star Wars merchandise on offer, and I picked up a few choice items - the highlight of which was the colossal AT-AT from Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Miniatures game. 

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Midnight Premiere (May 2005)

Having moved to Wellington in early 2005, I was finally in the right place to attend a proper Star Wars midnight premiere. A number of cinemas in Wellington put on opening events, so I headed along to the Regent on Manners with a group of friends. It was great to mingle with a number of die-hard fans, and meet some of the 501st Legion for the first time.

The 501st were out in force - captured here on my grainy camera phone.

Of all the prequels, Episode III was my absolute favourite. I liked this movie a lot, and knew that it would never be the same on the small screen - so I took the chance to see it multiple times before it finished it's (fairly long) theatrical run.

Of course, one of the main reasons I saw the film so many times was because I thought that this would be the last time I'd see any Star Wars film on the big screen. Oh, how wrong I would be...

Monday, 10 August 2009

2005 Wellington Armageddon Expo Featuring Ray Park and Daniel Logan

The 2005 Wellington Armageddon Pulp Culture Expo was a particularly good one for Star Wars fans, with slated appearances by Ray Park (Darth Maul), Daniel Logan (Boba Fett), and Temuera Morrison (Jango Fett). Unfortunately unforeseen circumstances led to Temuera not being able to make it, however he graciously pre-signed a number of autographs for free.

Park was an exceptionally down-to-earth guy and had a tremendous amount of time for all of the fans who had turned up to meet him. There were certainly a lot of us. Logan was - as always - completely approachable, and spent a lot of time showing off the bone carving given to him by one of the earlier fans in line. He seemed genuinely happy to be meeting us all - and everything I've seen since then seems to indicate that his enthusiasm for the saga is still just as strong.

Along with meeting Park and Logan, I also had the chance to commission a comic book artist to draw a picture of me as a Jedi!

In addition, there a phenomenal selection of Star Wars merchandise available - including some ridiculously discounted Star Wars Lego mini sets.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Episode II: Attack of the Clones (May 2002)

Like the first of the prequels, Attack of the Clones also failed to be given any sort of premiere treatment in New Plymouth. Fortunately, by this time, I'd cultivated a group of friends that - while not as obsessed with Star Wars as I was - were still incredibly excited to see the latest entry in the saga. A group of us headed along on opening day as soon as school finished, and (as with The Phantom Menace) I went back for a second viewing a couple of weeks later.

Being in my mid-teens, I didn't receive Attack of the Clones  with the same uncritical appreciation as I had The Phantom Menace. There was still a lot to love however - most notably John Williams' incredible score. I fondly remember having Across the Stars running through my head for weeks.

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Episode I: The Phantom Menace (June 1999)

Unfortunately there was no midnight screening for Episode I in New Plymouth. Being a school day (and being only 12 at the time) I had to wait through an excruciatingly long day of classes before attending an evening screening on opening day. A few weeks later it was the school holidays, and time for a second viewing.

My age no doubt played a large part, but The Phantom Menace blew me away from day one. While my admiration for the film has diminished a little over the years, I still have incredibly fond memories of that opening day and seeing an entirely new Star Wars movie on the big screen.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Original Trilogy Special Editions (April 1997)

I first saw A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back as a televised double-feature on Easter Weekend in '96. For about a year, my only experience of Star Wars was on the small screen. That all changed in 1997 with the release of the Special Editions.

I saw each of the films as they were released, and with every outing to the cinema my love for the saga increased ten-fold. Watching the trilogy on the big screen was unlike any other cinematic experience I'd had in my life. The same remains true to this day. Sadly, in the intervening years, I've somehow misplaced my tickets for my favourite of the three films - The Empire Strikes Back.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

The Fateful Double Feature (April 1996)

So here it is, the advert for the 1996 Easter Weekend double feature of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. What's so special about this particular broadcast? Well this was the first time I ever saw a Star Wars film...

A big thanks to MattG from SWNZ for finding this.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Welcome to the Relics of the Force Blog!

Welcome to the Relics of the Force Blog - an online record of my ever-expanding collection of Star Wars memorabilia!