Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Midnight Premiere (May 2005)

Having moved to Wellington in early 2005, I was finally in the right place to attend a proper Star Wars midnight premiere. A number of cinemas in Wellington put on opening events, so I headed along to the Regent on Manners with a group of friends. It was great to mingle with a number of die-hard fans, and meet some of the 501st Legion for the first time.

The 501st were out in force - captured here on my grainy camera phone.

Of all the prequels, Episode III was my absolute favourite. I liked this movie a lot, and knew that it would never be the same on the small screen - so I took the chance to see it multiple times before it finished it's (fairly long) theatrical run.

Of course, one of the main reasons I saw the film so many times was because I thought that this would be the last time I'd see any Star Wars film on the big screen. Oh, how wrong I would be...