Tuesday, 31 January 2012

3 3/4" Action Figure Display Shelves

It's always great when you find a cheap yet effective way to display Star Wars collectibles. After all, who wants to be sinking money into cabinets and shelves when it could be better spent on getting more of the things you're trying to display? Back in 2009 I rescued an old shelving unit that started its life as a VHS cassette shelf in my Dad's office from being taken to the dump. My mind started ticking over when I realised that the shelves were 4" apart - the perfect height for displaying (most) 3 3/4" Star Wars figures.

The shelves were originally white, and a little worse for wear. Though it was nothing a little elbow grease (and blue paint) couldn't fix. First off, the shelves needed a good clean, including the removal of a number of miscellaneous stickers they had collected over the years.

Next up, a light sanding was followed by a first coat of blue paint. This helped to identify problem spots, including a lot of random nicks and dents. It was nothing a little filler and sanding couldn't fix, however!

With the clean-up complete, it was time for two more coats of paint to really bring out the colour on the shelves.

And with that done, all that was left to do was the fun part - stacking those shelves full of Star Wars figures!

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Episode I 3 3/4" STAP and Battle Droid

Thanks to an unrivalled bid on Trade Me, I've just picked up a MISB Episode I STAP and Battle Droid for only $13.00.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Coruscant Nights II and III and Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor Paperbacks

The Dymocks Outlet Store in Wellington currently has all paperbacks on sale at 3 for $20. Among a lot of non-Star Wars literature I managed to find copies of Coruscant Nights I and II, and Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

The Hunt Is On - Movie Heroes 3 3/4" BARC Speeder with Clone Trooper Found

So the good news is that the new wave of Vintage Collection Episode I figures is now available at the Wellington CBD Toyworld. The bad news is that they have the very high price tag of $24.99 each. This is a good $5 more than all other retailers (not counting the almost continual '20% off special' that Farmers tends to have on its figures). As hard as it was, I had to pass. I only hope that these figures will hit other retailers very soon.

I did cave and make one purchase however - the Movie Heroes BARC Speeder with Clone Trooper. At $39.99 I doubt it will be much cheaper at other stores.

The speeder is an old sculpt, but I've never actually got around to getting my hands on one of these before. It should make a great addition to my 'Order 66' display.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

The Hunt Is On - The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" Phantom Menace Figures Update

No luck around the Wellington CBD. Both Farmers and Toyworld only have old stock, and The Warehouse is completely devoid of any Star Wars figures whatsoever.

The hunt continues...

Sunday, 22 January 2012

The Hunt Is On - The Vintage Collection Phantom Menace Figures

Thanks to those on the SWNZ Message Boards, we now have confirmation that the first of this year's Phantom Menace figures have been spotted in New Zealand stores. These figures are being released in two different lines, both as Wave 10 of the ongoing Vintage Collection and as Wave 1 of the new Movie Heroes line.

For the most part, I think I'll be giving the Movie Heroes line a miss. It's mostly repacks, and those figures which do interest me (specifically Maul) are being released in the Vintage line in what looks to be a much better sculpt.

So the figures I'm now on the hunt for are:

As well as the following Class I Fleet Vehicles:

  1. Movie Heroes 3 3/4" BARC Speeder with Clone Trooper

I'll update this list as I manage to find these figures. For now, I'm off to brave the storm and hit the stores in Wellington to see if these figures are in stock yet. Wish me luck!

Friday, 20 January 2012

The Old Republic Trailers #2 and #3

Back in 2009 I posted the original theatrical trailer for the upcoming MMO game The Old Republic. Since then, two more theatrical trailers have been released which - when watched in reverse order - tell part of the back story of the games arch-villain - Darth Malgus.

What are your thoughts on these two new trailers? Be sure to email them to relicsoftheforce@gmail.com!