Saturday, 25 February 2012

Reframing Celebrity Autographs

Here's a challenge for the more observant readers of this blog: Can you notice any differences between the following two photos of the Relics of the Force autograph display?

The first photo was taken at the end of last year for the My Collection page. The second was taken just a few days ago - after the autographs had been removed and replaced with copies.

While all attempts are made to minimise sun damage to my collection, some items (especially photos) inevitably decay over time. Unfortunately, these autographs have all suffered from sunfade over the years. Fortunately, I happened to scan each of them at the time of purchase. The wonders of digital printing means that the copies are almost impossible to spot. They're also a lot more vibrant than the originals (showing the autographs as they were before any fading). The originals are now safely in storage.