Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The Hunt Is (Almost) On - 2012 The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" Figures

Over the past few weeks we've been seeing more details of what The Vintage Collection has to offer for 2012. I've now compiled a preliminary wantlist - though some of these figures won't be out for some months yet.

The figures I'll be hunting for are:

  1. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC91 Mon Calamari A-Wing Pilot
  2. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC92 Anakin Skywalker (The Clone Wars)
  3. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC96 Darth Malgus (The Old Republic)
  4. The Vintage Collection  3 3/4" VC101 Shae Vizla (Old Republic Bounty Hunter)
  5. The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC116 Republic Trooper (The Old Republic)