Friday, 1 June 2012

The Saga Collection 3 3/4" Bib Fortuna (Battle of Carkoon)

Today I picked up a 3 3/4" Saga Collection Battle of Carkoon Bib Fortuna from the Railway New World Metro in Wellington for only $6.00.

There's a bit of a story behind this figure: Back in 2006 New World Metro decided to dabble in Star Wars merchandise by ordering in a single case of the first wave of Saga Collection figures. They were slow sellers - particularly the Bib Fortunas. By the end of the year only one lonely Bib sat on the peg. This figure didn't particularly interest me at the time so he sat there, untouched, for the next three years.

He eventually disappeared, and a short time later I picked up the exceptionally cool Vintage Collection Jabba's Throne set. As soon as I had this I started to regret not picking up that lonely Bib...

Flash-forward to today, and - by some stroke of luck - Bib turned up on a bottom shelf, reduced from $16.99 down to $6.00. His packaging is a little worse for wear, but since I'm an opener this doesn't bother me at all.

I look forward to finally giving him a home at his master's side!