Thursday, 21 June 2012

The Hunt Is On - US Exclusives

Those of you who are regular visitors to this blog will know that in a few weeks time I'm moving to Houston,  Texas. While I'll still be keeping an eye out for the usual items on my huntlist, there will also be a number of new items available in the US that aren't available in New Zealand.

First up, I'm hoping to add to my Star Wars Lego mini-set collection with 30055 Droid Fighter and 30057 Anakin's Podracer, both of which are available from Toys'R'Us. The latter will go particularly well with a purchase of mine from earlier this year: 9675 Sebulba's Podracer & Tatooine.
  (Images courtesy of has also recently posted an update about a number of Toys'R'Us Movie Heroes exclusives making their way to shelves later this year. Of particular interest to me is the Yavin Pilot Pack (including Tiree Gold Two, Jek Porkins Red Six, R5-D8 Jek Porkins' Droid, Davish Krail Gold Five, and Mauler Mithel Black Two). These will make a particularly nice addition to my Rebel Pilot and Imperial Hangar displays.