Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Your Guide to Star Wars at SDCC 2015

This weekend Comic-Con International: San Diego rolls around again, bringing with it a variety of Star Wars-related panels and presentations. Last year I posted a guide to these events, including converted dates and times for those of us here in New Zealand. This time around, MattG over at the SWNZ Message Boards has taken care of this for us - and you can see the full program of SDCC Star Wars events here.

(Image courtesy of ScreenRant.com)

Of particular interest will be The Force Awakens panel. Unfortunately, Entertainment Weekly has just announced that - contrary to popular rumour - no new Episode VII footage will be shown at SDCC. We're yet to hear this through official Lucasfilm or Disney channels, but EW have been fairly reliable with their Star Wars reporting in the past. This doesn't, of course, rule out the possibility of new images or other tidbits relating to the film. Maybe we'll get our first look at the official poster for The Force Awakens?

As a collector, I'm also incredibly excited for the Hasbro Star Wars panel. The SDCC site claims that this panel will have "...a few surprises, including a special product reveal", and there's little doubt that this will be related to Hasbro's upcoming product line for the new film. I, for one, can't wait to see what'll be on offer and start working on my wishlist!

What are you most looking forward to at SDCC 2015? Be sure to let me know by emailing relicsoftheforce@gmail.com, or sending a tweet to @Archon_Revuge!