Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Korean TV Spot Shows a Different Point of View

Yesterday, Star Wars Korea posted a thirty-second TV spot for Episode VII: The Force Awakens. The promo is mostly filled with footage we've seen before, but it does feature one brand new shot at the 0:02 mark. You can check it out below:

This looks to be a different point of view of the First Order parade that was seen in the second teaser trailer. If you pause the shot and crank the resolution up to 1080p, you'll spot a few interesting things. The the chrome figure of Captain Phasma can be seen standing to attention - and there's a safe bet that's General Hux standing in front of her. Off in the distance on the left we can also see a row of the "white van" troop transports that'll play a large role in both The Force Awakens and Rogue One. Slightly more difficult to spot are a row of four-legged walkers on the opposite side - perhaps modern descendants of the old AT-ATs?