Thursday, 27 August 2015

September 2015 (Force Friday) "Wretched Hive" SWNZ Wellington Meet-Up

If you've been following this thread over at SWNZ, then you'll know that the Ballance Street Toyworld and Lyall Bay Warehouse stores in Wellington will be holding a special "Force Friday" release event for the line of new The Force Awakens toys at 12.01am on Friday 4th September. The following day, we'll be holding our next "Wretched Hive" SWNZ Wellington Meet-Up as a chance to compare hauls and talk about the new line of collectibles.

The meet-up will be held at 5.00pm on Saturday January 31st at a bar/restaurant in the Wellington CBD. Despite the allusions to scum and villainy, it'll be at a venue that's very family-friendly, so kids and significant others are more than welcome!

If you're interested in attending, be sure to send me (Archon Revuge) a PM on the SWNZ Message Boards, or email me at for full details of the venue. I hope to see you there!