The Hunt Is On - Force Link 3 3/4" Wave 2 Figures Arrival Imminent? have added Wave 2 of the The Last Jedi 'Force Link' figures to their online store, including three characters on my huntlist: DJ (Canto Bight), General Leia Organa, and Luke Skywalker (Jedi Exile)

(Images courtesy of

Despite appearing in the store, most of the wave is currently listed as "Coming Soon..." The one exception to this is Leia, who is listed with a release date of October 20th. If this date is accurate, then it's a safe bet we can expect to see the rest of the wave released at the same time. With a 20% discount code from a previous purchase, I'll be putting my order in as soon as they're available. I'll also be adding another item from my huntlist - the Probe Droid and Darth Vader Deluxe Figure Set that's been out since Force Friday.

What's about you? What are you planning on picking up from Wave 2 of the Force Link line? Be sure to let us know via Facebook or Twitter, or by sending an email to!