Episode I 3 3/4" and Shadows of the Empire 3 3/4" Figures

My fiancee and I are heading back to Houston soon. But before departing Maryland we decided to drop by our local book / comic / collectible store for one final visit. I had a rummage through their clearance section, and was lucky enough to stumble across a trio of figures on my hunt list for $5.00US ($6.93NZ) a pop: Shadows of the Empire 3 3/4" Prince XizorEpisode I 3 3/4" Ki Adi Mundi, and Episode I 3 3/4" Naboo Royal Security

All three represent the best of '90s Star Wars action figures: bulked up, limited articulation figures that could withstand all kinds of play-related wear. Both Ki-Adi Mundi and the Naboo Royal Security also come with CommTech chips - the early (and, arguably superior) predecessor to today's Force Link gimmick. Xizor, on the other hand, represents one of only two releases of this figure in the 3 3/4" scale - a must-have for a die-hard Shadows of the Empire fan like myself.