Kinder Surprise The Force Awakens Twistheads

It's Easter Sunday today, and among the parcel of chocolate treats my fiancée and I received from my parents were four Star Wars-themed Kinder Surprise eggs. We didn't know what to expect inside, but it turned out to be a second series of the wonderfully weird 'Twistheads' line that first debuted back in 2013 - this time featuring a line of new characters from the sequel trilogy.

Each figure comes with a twisting head (as the name suggests), though the previously-included dial mechanic is no longer present. The attached string on the the head means the figure can be used as a phone or bag charm, or even as a keyring. There are eight Twistheads in the series, and by a stroke of luck we managed to get four unique characters: C-3PO, Finn, a First Order Stormtrooper, and - our favourite - Captain Phasma. The latter is made even more awesome by the inclusion of a tiny fabric shoulder cape that ties around her neck!