Saturday, 8 August 2020

The Hunt Is On - The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" Wave 13 Figures Found

Wave 13 of the Vintage Collection is indeed an unusual one - featuring a disparate mix of figures from A New Hope, Rogue One, and The Clone Wars. Of these, there were only two figures that made it on to my hunt list: VC167 Power Droid and VC168 Clone Commander Wolffe. Last week, I received both via EB Games for $24.99AU ($27.08NZ) each.

While Wolffe saw a 2015 Black Series release in his cold weather gear, this is his first release in his traditional armour. A removable helmet has also been added, revealing a Photo Real likeness of New Zealand's very own Temuera Morrison.

Nevertheless, the real highlight of this wave is the Power - or 'Gonk' - Droid. Despite his popularity with fans, the Gonk Droid has only received two single-carded releases in the twenty-five-year history of the modern figure line - the most recent of which was all the way back in 2006. I missed him then, and have regretted it ever since. Fortunately that's now been remedied. With a removable upper 'shell' and two independently articulated legs, this figure gives us everything we need in a Gonk figure. He'll go great alongside my Jawa and other sandcrawler droids.

Saturday, 1 August 2020

The Child Plush Toy

While our tiny Black Series Child figure is all well and good, my wife and I knew from the outset that we would need at least one larger version of this character in our collection. After considering the many preorder options available late last year, we finally settled on Mattel's plush toy as the best option for displayability and playability. He arrived in the post a short while ago, and we couldn't be happier.

Mattel's take on The Child features a vinyl head and hands along with a weighted plush body that gives it just the right heft and malleability for display. His glossy eyes and lightly airbrushed skin add to the realism, making him the most accurately-detailed and scaled option available - excepting, of course, that phenomenal $420US ($625NZ) Hot Toys offering. At only $56.99AU ($62.30NZ) however, this was precisely The Child for us!