Wednesday, 30 September 2015

B-Wing, A-Wing, and Escort Frigate Micro Machines

If you've visited the Buy, Sell, and Trade section of this blog, you'll have seen that I'm currently trying to complete my collection of original trilogy Micro Machines vehicles from the 1990s. Last week, Dawfydd from the SWNZ Message Boards came to my aid with three more that I was missing: the B-Wing Starfighter, A-Wing Starfighter, and Escort Frigate.

With these, my set is almost complete. Now I'm just after the Cargo Skiff, Imperial Lander, and Mon Calamari Star Cruiser. If you're looking to trade or sell one of these vehicles, be sure to drop me a message at

A huge thank you also goes to Dawfydd for his generous help!