Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Force Friday Midnight Madness Event at Toyworld Wellington (September 2015)

At 12:01am on September 4th, Force Friday officially rolled around - and with it, our first chance to purchase official merchandise from The Force Awakens. The Ballance Street Toyworld put on a fantastic 'Midnight Madness' event for those of us in the Wellington CBD. Attendance was high, and it didn't take long for a sizable line of avid fans to form outside.

Despite the large crowds, everyone was incredibly respectful and polite. No-one hogged the shelves, and it seems that everyone managed to find most - if not all - of what they were after. Guest appearances by Darth Vader and a Mandalorian Warrior helped build atmosphere, and a few spot discounts (including 25% off 3 3/4" figures) made the night an even more satisfying one.

Given our lack of knowledge concerning product availability and pricing, my purchasing was rather conservative on the night - restricting myself to only the 3 3/4" Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma figures. Over the next week or so I carefully sought out the rest of the items on my Force Friday wishlist.