Wednesday, 16 September 2015

The Hunt Is On - The Force Awakens 3 3/4" Build-a-Weapon Figures Found

Of all the products released on Force Friday, it seems that the plain and simple 3 3/4" carded figures were some of the most sought-after items. Given this, I was lucky to track down all eight of the figures on my wishlist. I picked up both Captain Phasma and Kylo Ren at the Midnight Madness event, then hunted down the remainder (Finn (Jakku), First Order Flametrooper, First Order Stormtrooper, First Order TIE Fighter Pilot, Poe Dameron, Resistance Trooper, and Rey (Starkiller Base)) over the following weekend.

Depending on which store you visit, these figures retail for up to $19.99 in New Zealand. Thanks to some great discounts, I managed to pick up all of these figures for considerably less - including several for only $9.00.

I've been fearful of a return to five-points-of-articulation for a long while now - but given the lack of any super-articulated 3 3/4" figures in this new line, I decided to embrace these simpler figures with an open mind. Having finally got my hands on them, I have to admit that the lack of additional articulation is really no longer a concern. The sculpts and paint apps are fantastic, and even the robed figures - which tend to suffer most when limited in articulation - still look great. I tend to always display my figures in neutral poses, and the design of these figures is perfectly suited to that. My opinion of these figures is improved even further by the fact that they contain many more features than I'd expected (e.g., ball-jointed heads, working gun holsters, and removable capes).

My one gripe is with the pack-in 'Build-a-Weapon' accessories. I understand the thinking behind these, but given the fact that Hasbro is attempting to drastically cut the production costs of 3 3/4" figures, it seems a frivolous inclusion. I'd much rather sacrifice the pack-ins for a few more extras on the figures themselves (removable helmets, anyone?) If pack-ins are a marketing necessity, then I'd prefer them to be actual screen-used weapons and items. Or, better yet, return to the wildly successful 'Build-a-Droid' concept of previous years.

That's my only complaint with this line however, and it's a small one indeed. Hasbro have won me over - and while I'll lap up any super-articulated Force Awakens figures that are released in the future, I'm happy to focus my collecting energy (and budget) on this line for now.