Saturday, 28 December 2013

Star Wars Official 2014 Calendar

The New Year is almost upon us, and thanks to another awesome Christmas present I'll be passing the coming months in style with my new 2014 Calendar.

There's a lot of variety in the layout of Star Wars calendars from year-to-year. In 2014, the designers have gone with a series of simple - yet incredibly gorgeous - high resolution close-up character photographs. There's a strong focus on prequel-era characters, no doubt due to the planned (and subsequently canned) 3D releases of Episode II and Episode III in late 2013. The calendar also features an undated two-page Vader spread between the months of June and July, meaning it can be hung long after the end of 2014 has passed.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC83 Naboo Royal Guard

This Christmas I received a new Vintage Collection figure to add to my collection: VC83 Naboo Royal Guard.

As the packaging notes, it's the first time a 3 3.4" Naboo Royal Guard has been released. This is surprising, particularly as he makes the perfect pilot for the Naboo Flash Speeder - an item I've had in my collection since all the way back in 1999.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Lego 7956 Ewok Attack

It wouldn't be Christmas without a Star Wars Lego set to assemble after a day of eating and drinking far too much. This year, I received the Lego 7956 Ewok Attack set - a perfect companion to the Endor Battle Pack I picked up earlier in the year.

The set includes an updated speeder bike (now capable of seating two figures) and a tree fortification that sports a surprising number of features (including a hinged secret compartment, a working catapult, a flick-missile launcher, and a rolling log trap). Of course the real highlight of this set is the minifigures. There's an Imperial Scout Trooper - always great for army building - and two brand new Ewok figures: Tokkat and Logray. These are the first Lego Ewok figures I've added to my collection, and they are every bit as awesome as I'd hoped.

Friday, 27 December 2013

Hallmark Keepsake General Grievous Christmas Tree Ornament

A few days ago I posted some photos of my Hallmark Christmas tree ornaments. This Christmas, I received another one to add to my collection - General Grievous.

The quality and detail on these decorations never fails to disappoint. It's an excellent representation of Grievous, roughly scaled to fit with figures in the 3 3/4" line. His billowing cape is a particularly nice touch, and lends him a festive red colouring. Grievous was released as part of Hallmark's 2012 line, so will be hard to find in stores now - but if you do come across one, be sure to pick him up. He'll make a great addition to any Christmas tree (Star Wars-themed or otherwise!)

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Star Wars Christmas Haul!

This Christmas I was a lucky enough to receive a great variety of Star Wars-themed presents thanks to my awesome parents and my partner and her mum.

I'll be posting more about each of these items over the next couple of days, but in the meantime be sure to share your own Star Wars Christmas haul by sending your pictures to or tweeting them to @Archon_Revuge!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" VC42 Han Solo (Yavin Ceremony) and The Black Series 3 3/4" #18 Darth Plagueis

Yesterday I did a tour of the toy stores in my home town, and came across a couple of bargains at my local Farmers: a Vintage Collection VC42 Han Solo (Yavin Ceremony) for $11.99, and one of the highly-sought after Black Series 18 Darth Plagueis figures for $14.99.

It's the first time we've seen a Plagueis figure, and he definitely doesn't disappoint. It's a great sculpture featuring some excellent articulation and well thought-out details. The Han figure will also go well with the Yavin Ceremony Luke I picked up a few months ago.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Hallmark Keepsake "At Jabba's Mercy" and Wicket and Teebo Christmas Tree Ornaments

Over the past few years I've been building up a nice assortment of Hallmark Star Wars Christmas decorations. For my birthday this year I received two more to add to my collection:

Be sure to stay tuned for some pictures of these on the tree!

Sunday, 15 December 2013

The Clone Wars Season 5 DVD

For my birthday last weekend I received a DVD copy of the fifth - and final - season of The Clone Wars.

This has been on the shelves for a month or so now. If you missed this season when it aired, I definitely recommend hunting down a copy. Season 5 features some of the best story arcs and character development of the entire series.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

A Force-Filled 27th Birthday!

It was my birthday last Saturday, and after arriving back in New Zealand in the early hours of the morning my parents surprised me with this awesome cake featuring a very familiar stormtrooper...

As if that wasn't enough, I also received some great Star Wars items as gifts. I'll be blogging about each of those in the coming days, so stay tuned for updates!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

HelloGreedo Charity Book Drive

Our favourite Star Wars YouTuber HelloGreedo has done it again. This holiday season he's spreading the Christmas cheer and using the proceeds from his online store to purchase books and comics for Wolfson's Children's Hospital. You can see more details in the video below.

HelloGreedo's got some great designs on offer, including an awesome "Happy Life Day" sweater just in time for Christmas. Be sure to head on over to his store and make a purchase before January 15th 2014. You'll be contributing to a fantastic cause, and getting some badass loot in the process.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Millennium Falcon T-Shirt

This morning I picked up this awesome t-shirt from my local Target for only $12.95US ($15.80NZ).

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Relics of the Force General Mills Cereal Story Featured on Jedi News

Our good friends over at Jedi News have published a story based on my series of posts about the General Mills Cereal Star Wars pack-in promotion. You can check it out here.

Jedi News is one of my go-to sources for the latest Star Wars news. Be sure to pay them a visit and add them to your news digest!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

General Mills Cereal Star Wars Pens (Yoda)

During my grocery shop this weekend I picked up another box of General Mills cereal and by a stroke of luck managed to get the one pen I needed to complete my collection - Yoda.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

A Long Time Ago... When Less Was More

Up until now, hard facts about Star Wars: Episode VII have been thin on the ground. Other than details about the crew, the only official information we've received is that it's a Star Wars film set some time after Episode VI. In early 2014 principal photography will begin, and all of this will change. As the months go by we'll see a steady stream - nay, flood - of details hitting the web. In this age of immediate and ubiquitous information, it can be hard to remember just how different things used to be. In the late 1990s an internet connection was possible, but very rare (in New Zealand, at least). As we bore down on the release of the first prequel film, we relied on other sources for our information: snatches of television news items, unsourced rumours in the pages of Cinescape magazines, and the word of your best friend's sister's boyfriend who had spent the morning loading up the fledgling website on his brand new i-Mac.

This lack of information could be frustrating, but it also helped foster an enormous sense of anticipation around the film. Say what you will about the prequels, but it's hard to deny the excitement that accompanied the first Episode I trailer when it hit theatres. Fast-forward to 2005, and things had changed considerably. By the time Episode III hit theatres, the web was saturated with details of the film. Footage, photographs, and most major plot points were available on-demand for anyone who wanted them. I immersed myself in all of this, but realised (all too late unfortunately) just how much this stripped away the mystery and excitement surrounding the film's release. It became clear than when it came to details, less was more.

With this in mind, I've decided to try and stay as spoiler-free as possible for Episode VII. It'll be a challenge, especially given the number of Star Wars-related websites, forums, and YouTube channels I frequent. Some information will be unavoidable - the casting, for example, and anything contained in the trailers (I'm not missing those for the world). But outside of that, I'm hoping to stay as ignorant as possible about what the film will contain. We'll see how long my resolve lasts - how strong my clicking-finger can be as my mouse hovers over that link proclaiming "FIRST LEAKED EPISODE VII ON-SET IMAGES" - but I can only hope I have what it takes.

How about you? Are you planning to stay spoiler-free? Or will you be lapping up every juicy detail? Be sure to send me your thoughts at or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Episode I 3 3/4" Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo)

Over the holiday season I'll be making some changes to my 3 3/4" figure display. Before I do this, I'm filling in a few gaps - namely, characters that I don't yet have. One of these is an Episode I  Obi-Wan Kenobi. In order to remedy this, I just picked one up from Amazon for $6.49US ($7.87NZ).

Monday, 11 November 2013

The Black Series 3 3/4" #01 Padme Amidala and #14 Mara Jade

Over the weekend I picked up two more figures from the 3 3/4" Black Series - #01 Padme Amidala and #14 Mara Jade.

These'll help fill a couple of gaps in my collection of 3 3/4" figures - and at $9.99US ($12.17NZ) they've cost me about half of what they would back home!

Monday, 11 November 2013

General Mills Cereal Star Wars Pens (Jango Fett)

I picked up another box of General Mills Cereal yesterday, and was lucky enough to find one of the pens I don't yet have packed inside - Jango Fett.

That means I'm only after Yoda to complete the set now. Chances are I'll get a bunch of doubles before finding him - but you know what they say...

"Never tell me the odds."

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Chewbacca Christmas Stocking

After a tip-off from, I headed out to my local Target this morning to pick up a must-have item for the holiday season - a Chewbacca Christmas stocking!

These retail for $13.00US ($15.77NZ) and come in two additional designs - Darth Vader and R2-D2.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

The Hunt Is On - The Vintage Collection 3 3/4" Imperial Scanning Crew Special Action Figure Set Found

With only sporadic stock turning up at K-Mart, I bit the bullet earlier this week and ordered one of their exclusive Imperial Scanning Crew sets from Amazon for $32.85US ($39.84NZ). It arrived in the mail yesterday, and I can safely say that this is possible the coolest 3 3/4" figure purchase I've ever made.

This set has been on my huntlist ever since it was announced at Toy Fair 2013 back in February. In truth, however, I've been hanging out for this set since I got the bottom half of the scanning set with the Legacy Collection Imperial Scanning Crew figure back in 2009.

The detail in this new set is phenomenal. The box opens, revealing several pieces of movie-accurate scanning equipment, and the stormtrooper comes with some fantastic features including a detachable comlink and one of the new E-11 blaster rifles with a working folding stock. The fine folks over at have taken some excellent out of the box photosI can't recommend this set strongly enough. If you've been on the fence about it, go out and track one down right now - you won't be disappointed. Amazon still have a few in stock at the price I paid, otherwise you might be lucky enough to score one at your local K-mart for about $10 less.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Episode VII Release Date Announced

It's officialStar Wars: Episode VII will be hitting theatres on December 18th 2015! This will be the first Star Wars feature film to not be released during the summer - but I'm fine with that. Like most fans, I'm happy to wait a little longer for the film if it increases the odds of it being done right.

What do you think about this release date? Be sure to send your thoughts to me at, or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Sunday, 3 November 2013

General Mills Cereal Star Wars Pens (Darth Vader)

Another day, another trip to the grocery store - and one more General Mills Star Wars pen to add to my collection: Darth Vader!

Friday, 1 November 2013

General Mills Cereal Star Wars Pens (Anakin Skywalker, Clone Trooper, and Obi-Wan Kenobi)

I picked up three more boxes of General Mills cereal this morning and added another three pens from their pack-in promotion to my collection: Anakin Skywalker, Clone Trooper, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

The Birth of a Trooper - Boots

Last week, TK Boots went back into production with their incredibly awesome line of screen-accurate (and 501st Legion approved) replica Stormtrooper boots. My own pair arrived in the mail today.

The quality of these boots is superb, and they'll hopefully see many troops in the near future!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

General Mills Cereal Star Wars Pens (Mace Windu)

I picked up another box of General Mills cereal this morning to take advantage of their Star Wars pen pack-in promotion. This time around I got Mace Windu.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Kasdan and Abrams Assume Screenwriting Duties for Episode VII

The official Star Wars site has today posted an interesting announcement that Lawrence Kasdan and J.J. Abrams have officially "assumed screenwriting duties for Episode VII. The language of the release makes it difficult to tell if this is an expected transfer (with Michael Arndt having fulfilled his role in producing the basic screenplay), or whether something else is going on behind the scenes.

What this'll mean for the final product is yet to be seen, but it's certainly good news to hear that Kasdan (with writing credits for both Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back and Episode VI - Return of the Jedi) is on board. The release also contains an official announcement of other crew that will be working on the film, including Star Wars veterans Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood.

Do you think this change is good news or bad news? Be sure to send your thoughts to me at, or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Friday, 25 October 2013

General Mills Cereal Star Wars Pens (Chewbacca)

A couple of days ago reported on a new Star Wars pack-in to be found in selected boxes of General Mills cereal. The boxes each contain one of eight Star Wars character pens (Anakin Skywalker, Chewbacca, Clone Trooper [Phase 1], Darth Vader, Jango Fett, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda). I hit up my local Kroger supermarket this morning and managed to find a few of the boxes in-store.

While the advertising on the front of the box is minimal, the entire back side is dedicated to Star Wars-related puzzles and games.

According to the box, there are three different designs which - when placed side-by-side - form a diorama "cockpit". I was curious to see what the pens were like, so picked up one box today. Fortunately, I lucked out, and got what is possibly the coolest character in the set: Chewbacca.

It's a great little collectible - well detailed and fairly solid. It's especially good value when the box of cereal itself is currently on special for only $2.99. I've got a feeling I'll be picking up a few more of these!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Imperial Stormtrooper Shopper Tote

This morning I did my usual tour of toy stores in Houston. While there wasn't much new stock, I did happen to find this Imperial Stormtrooper Shopper Tote in the $1 bin at Target.

Come to think of it, this'd be perfect for a little trick-or-treating in my Stormtrooper armour...

Sunday, 13 October 2013

NYCC Updates on Star Wars Rebels

Today's Star Wars Rebels panel at NYCC has given fans a lot of new information on the upcoming series, including our first glimpse of its main villain - the Imperial Inquisitor.

(Image courtesy of

We've heard of Imperial Inquisitors before, but mostly by allusion in the EU. This particular character appears to be a member of the Pau'an species first seen in Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. Another point of interest included confirmation that the series will be set fourteen years after the events of Episode III - or approximately five years before Episode IV - A New Hope.

The official Star Wars site has the full details of the panel, including a behind-the-scenes video from Dave Filoni.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

The Clone Wars - It's Not Over Yet

This evening, Dave Filoni confirmed via Twitter and Facebook that we'll be getting one final dose of The Clone Wars before the curtain finally falls.

Filoni posted the following:
Star Wars fans - I have some exciting news! We have wrapped production on all of the remaining Star Wars: The Clone Wars episodes, and while that might be sad news in one way, it's good news in another. It means you will finally get to see them. When, exactly, is a detail I cannot yet share. I can confirm that in early 2014 you will be watching the final episodes of The Clone Wars, including one of Master Yoda's most challenging missions. So, get ready. We've got Clone Wars and Rebels coming at you in 2014. Animated Star Wars is alive and well. Trust in the Force my friends.
It's unclear whether this means we'll be seeing a handful of new episodes (perhaps containing the two story arcs we've previously heard rumours about?) or another feature-length episode to bookend the series. As I've mentioned before, my hope is that these episodes will bring the series to neatly tie in with the events of the Clone Wars micro-series and the opening moments of Episode III.

As always, stay tuned for further updates!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Star Wars Rebels Teaser Video

A couple of hours ago Disney XD aired a sixteen-second long teaser video for the highly anticipated Star Wars Rebels television series. You can see the preview below:

As promised, it doesn't contain any actual footage from the series - though the CGI Star Destroyer gives us our clearest idea yet of the aesthetic the series will be following.

Other than that, I'm unsure what to make of the video. I'm not a big fan of the voice-over, and the suggestion that "the Jedi will rise" is intriguing. The series is, after all, set at a time when the Jedi are meant to be all but extinct. A proliferation of Jedi during this era would certainly water down the significance of Obi-Wan and Yoda being in hiding for the better part of two decades. Did they really just languish in exile while other Jedi took the fight to the Empire?

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Kinder Surprise Attack of the Clones Twistheads

A couple of days ago, MattG over at the SWNZ Message Boards gave us a heads up that the "arguably weird" line of Star Wars-themed Kinder Surprise Twistheads were turning up in New World Supermarkets in New Zealand. As you know, I'm currently out of the country, but my partner went on the hunt and managed to find a box.

I was hesitant about these at first, but - having seen them in more detail - I've got to say they've won me over completely. They're incredibly cool little collectibles, and guaranteed to make for interesting conversation pieces. Stock seems to be severely limited, but I was lucky enough to get three of these to add to my collection: C-3PO, Yoda, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

There are ten figures in the series, all of which (except Vader and the golden C-3PO) are based on characters from Episode II. Each figure comes with an attachment that allows them to serve as a pretty nifty keyring. The slightly more curious feature is the way in which their heads hinge open to reveal a number dial that changes value when connected with another figure. From the wrapper, it seems that the intention is for two opposing players to connect their figures and compete for the highest number. reports these collectibles as only being available in Germany and Russia, so I've no idea how they wound up in New Zealand. Whatever the reason, we're incredibly lucky. The rarity and quirkiness of these is set to make them highly sought-after. I certainly won't be parting with mine though!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Why There's Every Reason to Have Hope in Episode VII

It's incredible to think that almost eleven months have passed since we first heard that Disney had bought Lucasfilm, and was putting an entirely new series of Star Wars films into production. For those of you who were following this blog back then, you'll remember my initial reaction was anything but positive. As the news sunk in, however, I began to accept these earth-shattering revelations - describing myself as "cautiously optimistic" about the new trilogy.

(Image courtesy of

In the months since then, this optimism has grown into full-blown excitement. Why? Well, let's start with a roll-call. As executive producer, we have Kathleen Kennedy - the woman responsible for bringing us E.T., Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Hook, Jurassic Park, and almost every other childhood-defining movie of the '80s and '90s. In the writer's chair we have Michael Arndt, whose ability to write deep and heartfelt scripts is clearly evident in films such as Little Miss Sunshine, Toy Story 3, and Brave. Added to this, we have the recent announcement that John Williams - composer of the incredible soundtracks for Episodes I through VI - will be returning to score not only Episode VII, but the entire new trilogy. Finally, we have the director. This role is by far the most important for any film - but particularly for an entry in the Star Wars saga. With the original Star Wars, George Lucas created one of the greatest cinematic masterpieces of the 20th-century. But, as HelloGreedo recently noted, Lucas never seemed to fully understand what it was that made Star Wars so special. The fact that the second two installments in the original trilogy were so successful is most likely due to the fact that directing duties were handed over to others. It's probably no coincidence that Episode V (directed by Irvin Kirshner) is one of the most beloved films of the franchise, while Episodes I, II, and III (directed by Lucas) are some of the least well-received.

Given this, the decision as to who would direct Episode VII was  an incredibly important one. When J.J. Abrams was announced for the role, I was absolutely elated. I spent my early college years obsessed with Lost, and to this day have yet to find another series which engages me in such a deep and moving way. I could spend paragraphs providing you with all of the reasons as to why Abrams is the man for the job, but for a far more enjoyable experience, I simply suggesting watching this:

HelloGreedo hits the nail on the head here. Not only is Abrams an exceptional film maker, but he also gets what it is that makes Star Wars so special. You can see the passion and respect he has for the franchise when he discusses his own first experience of Star Wars:

There are many who will remain unconvinced - and it's true that even the best production, writing, and directing team can make a monumental disaster of a film. But, for now, there's every reason to have hope in Episode VII.

How do you feel about the upcoming films? Send me your thoughts at, or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

WeLoveFine T-Shirts

I've been admiring the t-shirts over at for some time now, so last week I put an order in for one of their Battle of Endor Veteran's Associations t-shirts ($25.00US / $30.42NZ), and an embroidered Imperial polo shirt ($28.00US / $34.06NZ) for when things get fancy.

The great thing about the products from WeLoveFine is that - while still officially licensed - they are, in fact, created by fans. This opens the door for all sorts of badass designs like the ones you see above. The quality of the stitching, embroidery, and screen-printing on these two items is absolutely impeccable. I couldn't be happier.

If you feel like wearing your love of Star Wars on your sleeve (quite literally), WeLoveFine are the people to help you do it!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Dark Times Ahead for 3 3/4" Figure Collectors?

There's been a huge increase in the quality of 3 3/4" Star Wars figures since I began collecting back in 1996. At that time the Power of the Force line had brought Star Wars figures back to stores after an almost decade-long absence. While incredibly well-made, these figures offered roughly the same amount of articulation as their vintage predecessors.

A 1995 Power of the Force Darth Vader - the first Star Wars action figure I ever purchased. (Images courtesy of

It wasn't until the introduction of the Episode I: The Phantom Menace line in 1999 that things began to change, and by 2005 it was common for most figures in the Episode III: Revenge of the Sith line to come with numerous accessories and up to fifteen points of articulation (a huge increase on the five- or six-point articulation figures of earlier lines). These improvements haven't come without a cost. Back in 1996 a 3 3/4" Star Wars figure would set you back $12.99NZ. Now, a figure from the latest Star Wars line can cost up to $24.99NZ at some retailers. Inflation is a factor, but there's certainly a line past which it becomes difficult to justify such expenditure on a single action figure. In my mind, we've now reached that point.

A few weeks ago, my buddy Reverend Strone posted the following on the SWNZ Message Boards:
Change is upon us friends. I can't help but... think we are witnessing the last gasps of the 3 & 3/4" SW toy as a collector targeted line. Rising manufacture costs and increasing collector apathy are drowning the US$10 super articulated SW toy. Beyond the occasional exclusive, I predict 2014 will see the 3 & 3/4" Black/Vintage style figure disappear as Hasbro positions their new 6" line as the preferred collector targeted sku... It was in everything that wasn't said at Comic con this year and I could see it in the eyes of the Hasbro team as I sat through 40 minutes of hot and heavy Angry Birds marketing during the 1 hour SW action figure panel. As evidenced by the saga legends reveals, 3 & 3/4" will remain, but it is clear that the future of this scale is a kid-focussed toy line with 5-point articulation heroes and troop builders occupying the US$6-10 price range, accompanied by various vehicles and accessories. 
With a number of contacts in the industry, Strone is the man-in-the-know when it comes to matters like this. Observing the market since I've returned to the US, I have to say that all evidence points towards his predictions coming true.

Hasbro is currently continuing its series of super-articulated 3 3/4" figures with the new Black Series. In addition, the Black Series contains a series of 6" figures more directly targeted at collectors. The former currently retail for $9.99US each, the latter for $19.99US. At the other end of the price spectrum are the new Saga Legends figures. While still in the 3 3/4" line, these figures are restricted to five points of articulation, a single accessory, and less detail than their Black Series counterparts. Essentially, they're a return to the kinds of figures that were being produced in the 1990s and earlier. The trade-off is that these figures retail for only $5.99 each, so are perfect for kids simply looking for a Star Wars toy as opposed to a high-quality collectible.

  A sample of Hasbro's current offering: a 3 3/4" Saga Legends Stormtrooper, 3 3/4" Black Series Stormtrooper, and 6" Black Series Stormtrooper. (Images courtesy of

Hasbro is targeting the child market with the 3 3/4" Saga Legends line and the collector market with the 6" Black Series line. Where, then, does this leave the 3 3/4" figures collectors like myself have come to know and love? Here, I side with Strone. It seems likely that Hasbro has deliberately diversified now in order to test the market before the release of Episode VII. If the 3 3/4" Black Series continues to sell well, we'll see it (or some other similar line) continue into the new trilogy. If not, it'll be quietly phased out in favour of the two new lines released this year. Unfortunately, I'm betting on the 3 3/4" Black Series line failing this test. While cost is a factor, I don't think it's enough to put collectors off just yet - particularly here in the US where figures are still priced at a very reasonable $9.99US. The death of this line will instead arise from the simple lack of variety in new figures. This isn't necessarily the fault of Hasbro (though, admittedly, Hasbro has made some terrible production and distribution decisions in the past), but rather a result of the fact that everything has already been done.

A 1995 Power of the Force Luke Skywalker with his 2009 "super-articulated" Legacy Collection counterpart. (Images courtesy of

When super-articulated figures first began hitting shelves, we all went out and re-bought those characters we already had. The vast improvement in sculpts, articulation, and features was enough to justify this.Now, however, almost every conceivable character has been produced in this updated form. The vast majority of "new" figures coming out are repacks, repaints, or - at best - resculpts of characters released numerous times before. This will remain true until at least the release of Rebels in late 2014. Sadly, I'm not sure the traditional 3 3/4" line will survive to see this.

What will this mean for collectors when new Star Wars media finally hits television and theatres? For myself, the centrality of 3 3/4" figures to my collection will leave me incredibly reluctant to make the transition to the 6" scale. Given this, the only alternative will be to instead move my focus to the Saga Legends line. It's a move I may have to make, but the quality I've come to expect from current 3 3/4" figures will be sorely missed.

How do you feel about the changes to Hasbro's offering of figures? Send me your thoughts at, or tweet them to @Archon_Revuge!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Han Solo in Carbonite Figure Bank

A few weeks ago I spotted a Han Solo in carbonite figure bank back in New Zealand. It was an awesome concept, but far too pricey at almost $60.00NZ. Fast forward to today, and I came across the very same figure banks at my local Toys'R'Us for only $21.64US ($27.45NZ). I couldn't say no to that!

The bank is made of a hard vinyl, and finished with a really impressive paint job.There are four other banks in the series, including Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and Yoda - but this one really takes the cake insofar as coolness is concerned. If you're looking for somewhere to keep your loose change, I can' recommend this highly enough.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

HelloGreedo's "In J.J. We Trust" T-Shirt

You might have seen me briefly pop up in the launch video for HelloGreedo's new "In J.J. We Trust" project. Yesterday I received my very own t-shirt from RedBubble to help advertise the cause.

It's an awesome design, and a sure-fire conversation starter. Head on over to HelloGreedo's online store to get yours now!

Friday, 30 August 2013

The Black Series 3 3/4" #03 Anakin Skywalker, #05 Luke Skywalker, and #07 Biker Scout

Hasbro's new 3 3/4" Black Series features a number of repacks and re-releases. That being said, there are still a few figures coming out in this line that I happened to miss in their earlier incarnations. Among those are #03 Anakin Skywalker, #05 Luke Skywalker, and #07 Biker Scout.

I picked up all three today during my Toys'R'Us visit for $9.99US ($12.89NZ) each. The cost of these figures in the US is still incredibly reasonable - particularly given that these same figures can retail for as much as $22.99NZ back in New Zealand.

Friday, 30 August 2013

Houston Toy Store Tour - August 2013

Today I took a tour of my local toy stores here in Houston - my first since getting back to the US last week. Target had little on offer, so my main focus was on Toys'R'Us. I'd hoped to catch the early arrival of the Imperial Scanning Crew set or the Lego mini-planets I'm currently on the hunt for, but sadly they're yet to hit stores. Despite this, it was still good to see plenty of new stock on the shelves - most notably, the first waves of Hasbro's Black Series figures.

I've long since decided against collecting the new 6" figures, but it was still great to finally see them in person. They're awesome figures with some great detail and articulation, and will definitely suit new collectors (or old collectors looking to begin a new line). I am and always have been a 3 3/4" man myself, so picked up a handful of those figures for the collection.